Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 8: I am Thankful for my Brothers

My thankfulness today is in honor to November 8th, one of my brother's birthday.  Happy birthday Chris!  Because today is the day of your birth some 40 years ago (okay I'm just kidding he's only____...I won't tell!), I want to express my thankfulness to you and Scott. Allow me to begin with a story.

Once upon a time there was a sweet, perfect, innocent little girl named Tonya.  She was the youngest and the only girl.  Her older brothers found their joy in making her miserable, making her cry, grossing her out, and annoying her to the point of insanity. Their favorite thing to do was hold her down and say, "bu, bu, bu,bu, bu, bubububu" right in her face.  This made her furious, but her mom never believed that they were picking on her.  Okay, Okay, you got me...Maybe I did bring SOME of it on myself, but the rest was totally their sinful nature:).  Through all the bad times when they made me crazy, I also have so many good times to be thankful to remember.

Growing up my brothers shared a room and we had a bathroom that connected our rooms.  I remember many days of building race car tracks out of crayons and having races in that bathroom. We loved playing zoo in their room because they had bunk beds which were perfect for a lion cage.  There weren't many, if any times, we played girl stuff, but I'm so thankful my brothers brought out the Tom Boy in me.  I'm thankful that my oldest brother Scott would let me come get on his top bunk every morning when I woke up early.  I still remember the panic I felt when I went to lay down with him one morning when I was little and he wasn't there.  He had ran away.  I was terrified and heartbroken and all I wanted was my big brother back.  I loved my big brother!

I don't really have too many young memories of Scott because he's nine years older than me and I'm sure he was way too cool to be letting his little sister cramp his style.  I do, however, remember Scott as a young adult.  I remember him always making sure I had a Christmas present from him under the tree every year (my favorite being that skating Barbie and Ken).  There were years when I know money was tight, but he was always sure to get me something just to make me feel important.  I am thankful for his thoughtfulness!  Because he was so much older than me, we've always had this unspoken bond.  I am the probably the only person in the world that Scott cannot stay mad at.  I can say things to him that would guarantee someone else a bloody nose, but he loves me still.  We may not be super close or talk very often, but we know that without a doubt our love for each other is always very present.  I would never doubt for one second that if I picked up the phone to call Scott for anything that he wouldn't break his neck to meet my need.  I'm thankful for that confidence in his love for me!

Chris and I fought constantly as kids.  I really thought he hated me.  That was until he proved his love for me.  Our neighbor's friend was over and she was being a bully to me.  Chris certainly did not appreciate anyone being mean to me except him so when she wouldn't leave me alone, he punched her in the nose.  Yes, he did get in trouble for hitting a girl, but he's been my hero ever since.  Except that one time he broke my finger trying to jump a bike ramp with me on the back or the time he "worked" on my bike and from then on, you could only pedal it backwards.  I tattled on him for everything he did and I'm so thankful he doesn't hate me for it now!  I was such a brat as a kid! I'm thankful that while Chris may not have shown his love for me as Scott did, he made me tough.

I've said this before on several occasions, but I'll share it again.  Both Scott and Chris led a rebellious youth and ran away from home on a weekly basis (okay that is an exaggeration), but Chris was the king of the runaway club.  They made many bad choices, and I was well aware of their lifestyles.  Both of them would lecture me on not being like them and taking the path they did.  I truly believe that if they would not have made the mistakes they made in their lives, that I may not be where I am today.  After all, they made all the mistakes so I didn't have to...They lived, and I learned!  In all seriousness, I knew that making the same mistakes would have disappointed them because they wanted better for me.  I am who I am and the things I have accomplished in my life were directly affected by the influence, love, and guidance of my brothers.

Today I give thanks for my brothers.  As different as they are, as many times as we disagree, and as much as they have annoyed me in my life, I love them both very much.  I'm thankful that I have two kind-hearted, hard working men to call my brothers.  I'm thankful for them fixing my cars, changing my oil, installing my flooring, and always being there when I call.  I'm thankful that my kids adore both of their uncles and that they both take the time to play with them and show them special attention.  I am honored to be called your sister! I love you both!

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