Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 11: I'm thankful for my Church

I firmly believe that people spend their lives just looking for somewhere to belong.  We all want to feel wanted and needed by people who have things in common with us.  Sure we have family, but we all know that every family has its own drama.  Church is a place where you should feel like you belong.

That was not always the case for me.  I began my "church going" with my grandma at her home church.  It was a great place, but it was mostly elderly people and the few younger folks just never reached out to get me involved and make me feel valued.  Now I'm not saying that I really reached out either because I just came in for preaching and left out right after it was over. I just don't think that's where God intended for me to call home.  Brent and I "looked" for a church aka we tried one.  We began to go to Marathon right after we got married.  I loved the music and the Sunday service, but I remember feeling self-conscious and just not comfortable.  It was so big that I found it hard to find my place so we eventually stopped attending and were out of church for almost a year.  We moved and claimed we were going to start "looking" again, but we never did.  I was pregnant with Camryn and told Brent that my children would be raised in church because I was not and I wanted better for my kids.  We kept putting it off each Sunday.  It's funny how well God knows us.  He knew that we weren't going to get our butts into gear so he brought the church to us.  The week Camryn was born Mike Morris stopped by our house and invited us to come to Oak Pointe Chruch's Easter kick off service at Woodmont High School.  It was a new church plant.  He left and I said, "We will NOT go to church for the first time on Easter Sunday....Only THOSE people do that!"  Well, we were out house hunting the very next week and who did we run into AGAIN? That's right Mike and again he invited us to come to church on Easter.  Umm No!!  I remember telling Brent, "We will not go on Easter, but we will go the next Sunday." God knew I was too insecure to put myself out there and try a new church so he reassured me twice that we would feel welcome at this one.

Sure enough we went to church when Camryn was 2 1/2 weeks old for the first time, and we've only missed a few Sundays in the past 6 1/2 years.  Now I'm not saying we went and were immediately involved.  That took some time, but we were made to feel very welcomed when we attended that first Sunday.  We sat on the back row until they started putting the curtains up so that we would have to move closer.  It took us about a year and several invites later to get involved in a small group.  We attended the membership class and learned more about OPC and the mission and vision of the church and knew that this was right where God wanted us to be...worshiping and serving with "Real People with Real Issues"...just like us!  We were challenged to join a grow group, serve, and give. Brent and I were baptized at OPC and have grown exponentially in our relationship with God. All three of our children were dedicated to the Lord at OPC. We have developed so many special friendships that feel more like family that we will forever cherish.

I'm thankful to be at a church where I belong and I am needed.  I'm thankful to be at a church where I am encouraged to grow with a community to believers who are striving to follow the path God has set before them.  I am thankful to be at a church that serves and gives.  OPC is all about Loving God and Loving People, and this is clear when you see the volunteers joyfully serving in their roles.  I'm thankful to walk into church on Sunday morning and getting hugs and smiles all around.  I love the people, the purpose, and the message of Jesus represented with OPC. I'm thankful that God has placed me in a church where I can use my talents and gifts to further His kingdom.  I'm thankful also for the love, support, and compassion that OPC has extended to my family over the past 6 1/2 years.  I am OPC!

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