Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 9: I'm Thankful for my Grandma

Grandparents are special people, but my Grandma is one of the most special people I know.  I'm convinced that Grandmas do not get any better than the one I call mine!  She is a woman who I admire for so many reasons.  I am most thankful for my grandma being my example of a Godly woman.  She is the one who encouraged me to come to church and taught me the foundations of my faith.  Her life planted the seed of faith in mine.  She taught me the most important thing that I could ever learn in my life.  It's the thing I cherish and cling to on a daily basis...It's Jesus!

I'm thankful for my grandma's heart for service.  She kept me everyday during the summers and anytime I was too sick to go to school while my parents worked. There are so many fond memories that I have from those summers and sick days (if that's possible).  My grandma knew exactly how to make me feel special and treasured and she took the initiative to learn them through the different stages in my life.  When I was young, she would have me a waffle made and ready for me when I arrived every morning.  As I got a little older and wanted to sleep in, she would have me a pillow and blanket waiting on the couch and would ensure that the house was quiet so I could sleep for a little while longer, and having a waffle waiting on me when I woke up.  There were always pizzas and ice cream in the freezer for me, but I never had to fix them myself. I also remember as a child going to many elderly people's homes so that my grandma could visit and/or take care of them.  She never asked for or received anything but the joy of helping others for her services. Whether it was a family member, a neighbor, or friend, she helped where needed. I'm thankful that she gave me that example and to challenge me to serve.

I'm thankful that my grandma allowed me to be a kid.  She didn't expect me to sit still and be quiet.  She was perfectly okay with me being loud, active, and wild.  I was free to be me.  I'm thankful that although there was plenty of chores that she could have gotten us to help with (cooking, cleaning, laundry, gardening, etc.) she just wanted us to play and have fun.  I'm thankful that she was a grandma in every sense of the word.  She spoiled me and did not discipline me (I respected her because she was so good to me).  She created a friendship that has lasted the last 29 years and grown stronger each day.

I'm thankful for my grandma's cooking.  She was a wonderful cook and an even better baker.  She loved to do it too.  Asking her to cook your favorite dish was like giving her an extravagant gift.  I'm thankful for all the Sunday lunches that she cooked for Brent and I throughout our dating years.  I'm thankful that she wanted to spend that time with us.
I'm thankful that my grandma is 87 years old, and I have gotten to experience the past 29 of those years with her. I'm thankful for our little outings that we take together to K-Mart and K&S.  I enjoy just being in her presence.  Most recently, I'm thankful that she was able to take a trip to Texas with us this summer.  So many memories were made that I will treasure forever.  My kids were able to experience their great grandma for a week and Brent was able to argue with her the entire way:).  I'm thankful that all three of my kids have had the opportunity to meet and adore their great grandma.  I'm thankful that when Crew sees her, he immediately dives into her loving arms.  Kids are a great judge of character and in this case, he's exactly could you not be crazy about this special lady?!!!

My grandma is one of my best friends. She's often my voice of reason and sound advice. She's had more of an impact on my life than she would ever imagine or take credit for. She says that she going to live to the ripe old age of 94, but the truth is that her life will far surpass 94 years.  Her memory will forever live in my heart! I am so thankful that God allowed me to be my grandma's granddaughter!  I love you Grandma!

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